//4 way vectoriser web demo by Aaron Steed int w=100; //width of scan area int h=100; //height of scan area dstore[] pix = new dstore[600*600]; int stage=0; memory mem = new memory (1,1,2,2,#000000); void setup(){ for (int ip=0;ip<600*600;ip++){ pix[ip] = new dstore(); } size (600,600); background (255); BImage scan = loadImage ("Bobo.gif"); //image to be scanned (place in data folder, must be a .gif) image (scan,0,0); //fill(0); //rect(0,0,10,10); // testing square for bugs stroke(0,0,255); } void loop(){ //stage 1----------------------------------------------- //preliminary scan if (stage==0){ println("stage:"+stage); for (int iy=0; iy0) && (y2