You awaken blind. You reach out feeling for metals, materials, tech - there is a dearth of tech here. You will only be able to construct a toy of your former self. If you could only remember what that was. (set: $body to 0) [Will you be [strong]<s| or [quick]<q|?]<c1| (set: $quick to false)(set: $strong to false) (click: ?s)[(replace: ?c1)[Strength will serve you better than speed. You pull in bulkier items and fashion large pistons within yourself.(set: $strong to true) (display: "Choice Made")]] (click: ?q)[(replace: ?c1)[Speed would be wiser. You select the lightest of materials. You coil springs and fashion a sleek exterior.(set: $quick to true) (display: "Choice Made")]]<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').removeClass('blind')" /></div>You finish harvesting a single-lens reflex camera into your head before standing up to look around. It looks for all to be the wreckage of a civilisation honoured by drowning it in trash. A sea of broken things with bombed out buildings breaking above the waves. You have stretched out your True self as much as you can through the junk to make a humanoid form. You hear movement ahead over the north ridge of the bowl you are in. You could be aggressive, investigate now and take advantage of the situation. Or you could be defensive and make preparations. (set: $shield to false) Be [[defensive->Do you wait,]] or [[aggressive->or do you head North?]]?Looking for defensive measures you find a large, thick metal cooking pot lid. You bond it to your left arm to make a shield. Seeing no other preparations you can make, [[you head North->or do you head North?]] to spy on the noise. (set: $shield to true)Looking over the ridge you see a human form wearing a back pack with bits of junk sticking out and a rifle hooked under its right arm. It is wearing a jumpsuit with numerous pockets and a circular logo on the shoulder. Occasionally it will pick items out of the trash to stow in the pockets. (link: "You sneak up behind it.")[The thing hears your approach, it turns around hugging its rifle before letting out a strangled cry and shooting at you. $shield[[[You duck behind your shield.->Shielded]]](else:)[[[You try to snatch the rifle from it.->Take rifle]]] (set: $rifle to "hers")(set: $bond to 0)]Shots rattle off your shield. You edge closer till you hear the thing stumble back in fear and fall. You test a look over your shield and see it sitting there, rifle pointed at you in its lap, not knowing what to do. (display: "Read Label")(if: $strong)[Two shots tear through your torso but you manage to pull the rifle out of its hands. It stumbles back, falling, then scrabbling backwards. Looks at you with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.](elseif: $quick)[You dodge two shots before closing a hand on the barrel and lifting it up out of the human's grasp. You poke the stock into its chest, sending it falling on to its butt.] (set: $rifle to "mine") [[Do you harvest the rifle->Do you harvest the rifle,]] or [[or give the rifle back->or give the rifle back?]]?"Structs don't talk", it says. "What is a struct?" you ask. "The monsters in the Junkyard", it says. (if: $rifle is "hers")[It hugs the rifle closer to its chest as it says this.](else:)[It hugs itself as it says this. The rifle shaped hole in this gesture makes it awkward.] "How long have you been here?" "Not long. I look like a struct?" "Yeah, you look like a struct. You going to attack me?" You consider the thing before you. Its smooth face, pudgy, made of meat. There is something about meat that is tied to your purpose. You cannot remember more. You know that meat is not harvestable. "No, I don't need to." It eyes you cautiously. "You are not a struct", you unwittingly play the pronoun game. "No, I'm a girl." It looks down at itself, unconvinced that this is enough, "I'm a junkrunner, I find things in the Junkyard and bring them home." It pulls the back pack off itself and fishes something out, a camera. "Like this. it's like yours, mechanical, these get a better price because they last longer." You could use another camera. (set: $eyes to 1)(set: $zoom to false) [[Snatch the camera]] or [[ask for the camera]]?You bond the rifle to your arm, pulling it apart, reconfiguring it to fire at your will. The thing looks at the process horrified, "Hey! That's mine!" (if: $strong)[It tries to pull the exposed barrel from your arm. You push it away and it falls back to a seated position. Silence passes between you.](elseif: $quick)[It reaches for your arm and you raise it out of reach. You see it stand unbalanced and give it a gentle nudge, sending it falling back into a seated position. Silence passes between you.] (set: $bond to it - 1) (display: "Read Label")You hand the rifle back to it. It looks incredulously at the rifle, then at you. "Thanks", it says, before sitting down, looking at you quizically. (set: $bond to it + 1)(set: $rifle to "hers") (display: "Read Label")(set: $bond to it - 1)(if: $rifle is "mine" and $strong)[You reach for the camera but it reacts too quickly, getting to its feet and pulling it behind its back. "No! It's mine. You can't just take things from people. You have to ask."](else:)[You pull the camera out of its hand (if: $quick)[before it can react ]and bond it to your head. Better. You can judge distances very well now. (set: $eyes to 2) "Hey!" it stands, indignant. "That was *my* find. If you'd've asked I could've given you something like this that isn't worth much to me." It pulls out a more advanced camera from its back. Advanced tech! You reach for it - (if: $quick)[your hand is fast enough to close on it but the human defiantly yanks it out of your grasp.] "No!" it says, putting the other camera back in its bag. "Maybe when you learn some manners we can start sharing finds."] [[There is nothing you can say.->Going North]]"May I have that? I can't judge distances very well right now." (set: $bond to it + 1) (if: $rifle is "mine")[She eyes you suspiciously. "Well", she says putting the camera back in the bag, "since you *asked* this time the answer is still no. But I do have something else I can't really sell."](else:)[It looks at the camera. "I dunno, I really need this one", it says, putting the camera back in the bag. "I have something else though."] It pulls out a more advanced camera and hands it to you. It's an expensive digital variety with a zoom lens attached. You bond it to your head. When the process is finished, only a small portion of the lens barrel extrudes, but over half of your head is composed of camera now. (set: $eyes to 2)(set: $zoom to true) "Better?" it asks? [["Better."->Going North]]It pulls its bag on to its back, throwing a glance to the south. It looks worried. "I need to get out of here. I was trying to get home but the way was cut off by drillworms", it says. "Drillworms?" "They're structs. Like you, but scary." "Scary how?" "Well, worm isn't quite right. It's more like a big snake with a drill for a face. They can't see, they just go for you by sound. That's why when they get you they make a lot of holes in you, just to be sure. I think I heard some to the south earlier so I need to be as far away from there as I can." [["I am going north as well"->Names]], you say. "There is something I want to investigate there.""Okay," it says. "I'm Mowgli by the way."(set: $shake to false)(if: $bond >= 0)[ It offers you its hand. As you gingerly take it in your own it grips it and shakes it twice before letting go. A type of greeting?(set: $shake to true)](else:)[ Its arm flinches towards you in a practised gesture but it thinks better of it and puts its hands in its pockets.] "I'm-" You search for your name. Fragments come through: - - - T R - Y - R "Tryr", you say. "Try-er? What does that mean? You try things?" "I don't know, what does your name mean?" "Oh, it's from this teevee archive my great-grandfather found. It's a bit jumbled up and corrupted but it's still entertaining. It's called Jungle Book. Most of my family are named after characters in it: Bagheera, Sheer Khan, Yogi Bear, Ren, Stimpy... The story doesn't make a lot of sense but I really like the songs in it." A rattling noise can be heard from the south. It looks at you wide eyed. [[You both start moving.]]Mowgli is almost jogging as you make your way over the next rise. Behind the rattling grows louder. You can now pick out the shrill whine of drills, occasionally grunting as they tear through harder textures. A chance look behind and you see something long and thick break out of the ground. Its head free of obstruction lets out a high pitched squealing. [[Mowgli whimpers and breaks into a sprint.]]As you salvage transistors from an ancient radio you test the bands, listening for information in the static. A faint signal is coming from the north. You hear... music? You need to see where you are. One of your searching limbs closes in on a [[Camera.]](if: $quick)[You keep pace with the human. Your slim feet skipping over the piles of junk.](elseif: $strong)[You lumber after the human. You barely manage to keep up.] Mowgli (if: $rifle is "hers")[loads its rifle](else:)[looks at the rifle bonded to your arm] as it runs. (if: $rifle is "hers")["I'll have to shoot it", says Mowgli. Stopping and turning to take aim on the surfaced drillworm.](else:)[Mowgli grabs your gun arm, "you'll have to shoot it", pulling you to a stop to turn and face the surfaced drillworm.] You see the worm winding across the junk towards you. (if: $zoom)[You zoom in to scan the scenery around it and spy two more burrowing into the floor.](else:)[(if: $eyes is 2)[Behind it you seem some sort of motion in the floor but you can't be sure what it is.](else:)[It appears to be alone, you cannot be sure at this range.]] (if: $rifle is "mine")[ [[Shoot at the drillworm]] or [[try to grab it->try to grab it.]]? ](else:)[(if: $shield)[ [[Raise your shield]] or [[try to grab the drillworm->try to grab it.]]? ](else:)[ [[Wait for Mowgli to shoot]] or [[try to grab the drillworm->try to grab it.]]? ]]You train your rifle on to the drillworm. [[Do you shoot it in the head]<a| or [shoot its body?]<b|]<c| (click: ?a)[(replace: ?c)[You fire several shots into its head. Each ricochets off, hitting the floor, into the sky - one is sent back towards you, narrowly missing Mowgli. (set: $bond to it - 1) "No!" the human cries, "aim for the neck!" The drillworm rears up, it is coiling to leap towards you. (link: "You shoot.")[(display: "I shot the drillworm")]]] (click: ?b)[(replace: ?c)[(display: "I shot the drillworm")]](set: $bond to it + 1)(if: $strong)[(if: $rifle is "hers")[You raise a hand to belay Mowgli taking the shot. ]Your hand closes on the drillworm's neck as it lunges for you. It tries to squirm away but you dig your fingers in, crushing its neck. Its movement becomes unfocused, spasmodic. "Wow", says the human. [[You examine the drillworm.->Pick up the drillworm]]](elseif: $quick)[(if: $rifle is "hers")[Before Mowgli can act you dart towards the drillworm.](else:)[You dart towards the drillworm.] It rears up defensively and you take advantage of the situation to grab its neck. The drillworm's body wriggles violently, you barely manage to hold on. (if: $rifle is "hers")["Hold it up", calls Mowgli. You raise the writhing worm above your head and hear a shot. Fragments of drillworm plating fly away from near your hands. The worm no longer fights, only twitches. "Nice teamwork tin man", says the human. [[You examine the thing in your hands->Pick up the drillworm]]](else:)["The neck!" Calls Mowgli. "Shoot it in the neck." You pin the worm to the floor before blasting a chunk out of its neck. The drillworm stops fighting and merely writhes without purpose. "Nice work", says the human. [[You examine the thing in your hands->Pick up the drillworm]]]]You brace behind your shield for an impact that never comes whilst the human lets off several shots. You see the human's stance relax. "Hey, hero", says Mowgli. "Take a look, I got it." Looking over your shield you see the drillworm writhing impotently. Its blood is oily black and leaks into the junk below. Strange how the worm's blood looks much like your True self. [[Pick up the drillworm]] or [[leave it alone?]]Mowgli lets off several shots, some of them ricochetting off its spinning head, but one finding its way into what functions for its spine. It writhes spasmodically, still active but lost of purpose. Its blood is oily black and leaks into the junk below. Strange how the worm's blood looks much like your True self. [[Pick up the drillworm]] or [[leave it alone?]]<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').removeClass('blind')" /></div>The drillworm's blood runs over your hand and instantly bonds with strands of your True self. (display: "Absorb Drillworm") [[Move on]] or [[wait]]?You choose caution. The drillworm's blood leaks for a few seconds more before it stops. The body collapses as if all the hidden strings holding it together have all been cut at once. "Phew", says Mowgli. "Let's get out of here, they rarely hunt alone." <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').removeClass('blind')" /></div> [[Move on]] or [[wait]]?You fire once. Your shot enters the drillworm's neck, plating exploding away from the wound. It falls to its side and writhes spasmodically. Its blood is oily black and leaks into the junk below. Strange how the worm's blood looks much like your True self. [[Pick up the drillworm]] or [[leave it alone?]]You and the human make it five paces before the ground erupts beneath you. You hear Mowgli cry out and hit the floor before something hits you in the chest, tearing through and out your back before doubling back to [hit you in the head]<a| (click: ?a)[(if: $eyes is 1)[ <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').addClass('blind')" /></div> You are blind. You grab the worm protruding from your face and (if: $strong)[crush its neck.](else:)[wrestle with it for a moment before managing to snap its spine.] This thing is smaller than the other one you faced. You hear screams from Mowgli. Whipping noises, then a crack. Then heaving breathing. Something lifeless is thrown near your feet. "You okay?" Mowgli asks. Its voice breaks as it says this. "I can't see." Rummaging noises, then something is pressed into your hand. The zoom camera. [You bond it to your head]<b| (click: ?b)[- you can see again. Mowgli looks distressed.<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').removeClass('blind')" /></div> (set: $zoom to true) [[You pick up the drillworm at your feet.->Pick up Drillworms]] ] ](else:)[ The drillworm has gone straight through the lens of your first harvested camera. You grab it with both hands and (if: $strong)[crush it.](else:)[snap its spine.] This one is smaller than the one you faced before. (set: $eyes to 1) Mowgli's screams snap your attention away from yourself. (if: $rifle is "hers")[It shoots several times into the floor, then pauses.](else:)[It skips away from where it's standing where you can see another drillworm has surfaced. You fire one shot - it takes the worm's head clean off.] The human stoops down, picks up (if: $rifle is "hers")[another](else:)[the] dead drillworm and throws it towards your feet. [[You pick up the drillworm.->Pick up Drillworms]] ] ]"Wait", you say. "There may be more." (if: $shield)[ You detatch your shield and throw it to Mowgli's feet. Mowgli stands on the shield and moments later there is a thunk. The human readies its rifle and points it towards the floor. Beneath your own feet a drillworm shoots out, but you are ready for it. This one is much smaller than the one before. (if: $quick)[You deftly close a hand around its neck. Then bracing it over your knee you snap its spine.](else:)[It slips through your grasp at first, but then you close your grip tight - crushing it. It goes limp.] Mowgli fires a shot near feet where the other drillworm has surfaced. The blast takes its head clean off. "Got it," says the human holding up its trophy before throwing it and your shield at your feet. You collect your shield. [[Then you pick up the other drillworm.->Pick up Drillworms]]](else:)[ The ground below stirs. (if: $rifle is "hers")[Mowgli readies its rifle and points it towards the floor.](else:)[Mowgli stands as still as it can, trying to hide from the senses of the worms]. The ground beneath you erupts and a drillworm smaller than the one you faced before tears towards your chest. You are ready for it though. (if: $strong)[You close hand around its spine and crush. It goes limp.](else:)[You dodge to the side, grabbing it with both hands before breaking it over your knee.] Mowgli screams as the worm below it bursts out of the junk. (if: $rifle is "hers")[It fires several shots at the drillworm, one taking its head clean off.](else:)[You fire a shot at it, taking its head clean off. "Thanks", says Mowgli.] The human slowly stoops to inspect the corpse before standing satisfied and throwing the dead at your feet. [[You pick up the other drillworm.->Pick up Drillworms]]]You feel the worm as an extension of your arm. You move the tail left, then right. "Are you doing that?" asks Mowgli. This blood you're absorbing you know to be the True form of the drillworm. But it is dead now. Without will to direct it it is just a resource. "Yes", you reply, "its blood is dead, I can consume it." You pull the drillworm into yourself. Disassembling it. You attach its head on to your (if: $rifle is "mine")[arm without the rifle](else:)[arm]. You give it an experimental spin. Mowgli edges away from you. (set: $body to it + 1)(if: $body is 0)[Blood from one of the drillworms instantly bonds with strands of your True self. (display: "Absorb Drillworm") You harvest the remaining drillworm as well.](else:)[You harvest the other drillworms. Their blood gives you strength.(set: $body to it + 1)] (if: $rifle is not "hers")[The human is hugging itself again, leaving that rifle shaped hole. With your new strength you could easily unbond the rifle and give it back. [[Give the rifle back]] or [[suggest you move on]]?](else:)[The human hugs its rifle to its chest, breathing a sigh of relief. [[You suggest you move on.->suggest you move on]]]You detatch most of your rifle arm. Using your improved True self you regrow it with drillworm parts and junk near your feet. You hand the rifle-arm to Mowgli who takes it and looks at it perplexed. "Can't you change it back?" it asks. "No", you reply truthfully. It looks down at its new rifle. It makes a sniffing noise, then wipes something away from its eyes. It experiments with what would be the proper way to hold it, then looks for the trigger before firing an experimental shot. The recoil knocks Mowgli off its feet. "Whoa-ho-ho-ho!" It says after five seconds of staring at the crater the shot has made. "You made it better?" "I saw room for improvement." It hefts the thing it its arms. Then looks up at you. "Thanks", it says. "I'd still rather have my old rifle back. But... Thanks. I'm sorry I shot at you." "I'm sorry I ate your rifle", you reply. (set: $rifle to "hers+")(set: $bond to it + 2) [[You suggest you move on.->suggest you move on]]"Is it safe?" asks Mowgli. The senses of the drillworms are a part of you now. You feel no disturbances like them, but something big is coming. Something much, much larger. "From drillworms yes, but the ones I have eaten sense something else. We should head for higher ground." Mowgli checks her possessions are intact whilst you finish adapting to your new mass - taking some parts from around you to make yourself bigger. Whereas before you were as tall as the human, you now are now slightly bigger. You both climb the nearest hill of junk to [[get a better view.]]"So you're like a struct-vampire then?" asks Mowgli as you both tread up the hill. "I guess so." "You don't eat people though?" "I'm not going to eat you Mowgli." "That's a comfort(if: $rifle is not "hers")[."](else:)[", it replies patting its rifle.] You reach the summit. Looking around you can see more dunes of trash with the occasional building carcass. To the south it becomes shallower, revealing a mountain range and a valley with patches of green tinging its base. To the north you see an unbroken building in the distance adorned with a mast covered in dishes and prongs. A transmitter?. "Over there", says Mowgli. Following the human's arm pointing west you a displacement in the waves. A huge long rippling thing. It breaks through to the surface. The thing is comparable to the drillworms, but at this scale it has a giant circular maw. Not able to push such a massive weight of debris aside it simply swallows it and pushes it through itself. "What is that?" you both say. The human turns to face you, "look, I've heard of drillworms getting pretty big but I've never been this far into the Junkyard before", it says. "I think we can ride it", you reply. "You what!? No way, I've had enough of drillworms, I'm not going near that thing." (set: $carny to 0)(set: $notadog to 0) [[Insist]] or [[trust the human->play it safe]]?You grab Mowgli's hand and make your way down towards the giant drillworm. (set: $bond to it - 1)(set: $notadog to it + 1) "Heeey!" (if: $bond <= 0)[The human resists your pull, (if: $strong)[but you are too strong for it. Its feet carve trenches as you pull it along.](else:)[stopping you in your tracks.]](else:)[The human follows you but is hesitant.] "I'm not a dog, you can't just drag me around." "It's too big to consider us a threat", you say. "And we can't be hunted by smaller drillworms if we are on its back." This seems to convince Mowgli. It keeps pace with you as [[head for the drillworm's flank.->Drillworm Flank]]You pause to review your options but your drillworm senses pick up a disturbance to the east. (if: $zoom)[About a mile away you see a figure on all fours. You guess it may be another form of struct, but it doesn't look to be made of Junkyard. It looks red and wet. A struct that harvests meat? You see it sprinting towards your position. It is too large and fast for you to fight.](else:)[It's too far away to be seen but it moves too quickly to be another human. The entity is not a drillworm, this is perhaps something far worse.] (set: $carny to it + 1) "It's not safe here. There is another struct approaching." "More drillworms?" "No. Something else. Something bad." "If this is just so we can ride that big worm..." You hear a roar to the east. It stands on a rise, glistening wet with blood and sweat. Amid shafts of metal and gears are sinew and flesh. The patches of skin and hair on it look to be of human origin. Mowgli is already running down the slope [[towards the flank of the drillworm.->Drillworm Flank]]You both arrive behind the greatworm's mouth, its body towers above you. There is a large collar like band here, behind which the worm's body sends great ripples along its length. The pulses shunt its body through the medium of junk. Now that you are closer you can see the whole beast is made up of thousands of smaller drillworms, bonded to a whole. You attach the drillworm head on your arm to a gap in the collar and grab the human about the waist. "Hang on", you tell Mowgli, who then grabs your torso with both arms. You send some of yourself into the beast, feeding suggestions into its dull mind. It begins to rotate, pulling you and the human [[off of the floor.->Falcor]]You halt the rotation of the greatworm as you and Mowgli are able to stand. You maintain control by creating a cable trailing into the worm, steering to the north. (if: $carny)[Mowgli looks around. "I think we lost it." ]The human looks down. "Whoa-aaaahh!" it climbs on to your back, "it's all made of of drillworms!" "They are sleeping", you reply, "this worm has only one mind." "What if they wake up and decide to leave?" "What if your legs woke up and decided to leave your body?" "That's just being silly." "That is how the worms see it as well." Mowgli slowly climbs down, taking a position at your side and holding your arm for balance. [[You will reach the structure to the North in a few minutes.->Fear]]"I guess structs don't get scared", suggests Mowgli. "Scared?" you ask. "You know, when something makes you want to run away." "I have never given myself that choice." "You give yourself choices?" The human clearly finds this strange, "how many choices do you give yourself?" "Two at most." "You sound like Bagheera. He said he was, 'an obssessive', and he felt like he always had to do things in twos. He got really worked up if he didn't have two rifles or two water bottles. He *had* to do it in twos or he wouldn't go anywhere. "I asked him why when I was little and he said he didn't know, but one day he told me he figured out why: Not being able to choose what he was doing made him not feel scared." "I never feel scared." "Exactly." (set: $bond to it + 1) Mowgli's words resonate with you. It's not your nature to make choices. But since you have woken you have been presented with slightly different futures to choose from. You feel there was something wholly scripted about your previous incarnation. You have nearly arrived at your destination. As you look for a sensible drop off, the worm you control [[feels something on its back.]](set: $carny to it + 1)(set: $limp to false)(set: $heart to false)(if: $carny > 1)[The red struct you saw before has mounted the tail of the greatworm.](else:)[At the end of the greatworm's tail you see a four legged struct, it is red, wet and too large to fight.(if: $zoom)[ You zoom in and see patches of skin and hair stretched over exposed meat and metal. A meat struct?]] It races towards you. You might stand a chance in a fire fight if you hit the right spot. You could also make a run for the building. Or perhaps, what the human said about the greatworm's worms sleeping - could you wake them up? Do you [[disembark]] or [[stand and fight]] or [[wake up the drillworms]]. (link: "You could also...")[No, that would be a waste of time.]You turn the worm, detatching yourself as you do so. Mowgli and you slide off on to a rise leading towards the building. The greatworm is dormant after you break the link - your absence has left a hole where its will was. The red struct loses balance and falls into the worm's wake, giving you both time to acquire the high ground. [[The red struct charges towards you->stand and fight]](set: $bond to it + 1)"I'm going to wake up the drillworms", you say. "What!?" "It will be lost amongst them." "Wait", it says, "can't you just wake up some? Like, just underneath it so it gets swallowed." The human's idea is feasible. You send a tear in the greatworm's skin ahead of you. Along the split you see drillworms writhing madly, some falling into the crevice. With them goes the red struct - at that moment you cease your command and the greatworm mind slowly pulls the wound closed. The writhing stops instantly as the will to become a greater whole takes over. You guide the worm next a rise next to the building and command it to allow you to disembark. You break your link and slide down the side of the worm with the human. The greatworm is dormant after you break the link - your absence has left a hole where its will was. A voice from the building calls out, "now what did you have to do that for? You were meant to harvest that one." You and Mowgli turn to see in the building entrance [[another struct]].(if: $rifle contains "hers")["You'll have to shoot it", you tell Mowgli. The human raises its rifle and takes aim. ](else:)[You raise your gun arm and take aim. ]The first shot goes wide, the second hits it in the chest - gore explodes out from the impact. The struct stops only for a beat before continuing its sprint towards you. (if: $rifle contains "hers")[Mowgli keeps shooting.](else:)[You keep shooting.] Each hit making some progress but never taking it down. The beast is close now - too close... [[Suddenly]]A bright object leaps up and clamps to the red struct's chest. It has a flat back and four sharp legs that have dug deep into its chest. "Spider-mine!" shouts Mowgli. (if: $bond > 0)[The human grabs your arm and makes for a dive to safety](else:)[The human makes a dive for safety]. (if: (history:) contains "disembark")[[[Follow Mowgli->Dive Floor]] or [[wait->Wait Floor]]?](else:)[[[Follow Mowgli->Dive Worm]] or [[wait->Wait Worm]]?]It walks down towards you. It is humanoid like you are but more theatrical than practical. A bright flat thing scuttles around its feet, the struct shoos it away and it crawls off over a rise. "Well I suppose we'll have to get another somehow", it says. Mowgli stares silent and agape at the newcomer. "Come on then", says the struct. It turns and walks up to the building. The human looks at you to make the next move. [[You follow the struct.]](if: $bond > 0)[You and Mowgli sail over a mound, going into a roll. You hold on to each other, rolling, then a shockwave passes over the mound.](else:)[Mowgli dives over a mound. You follow it, barely missing the shockwave that erupts from behind.] Debris rains down, bits of metal, bits of flesh. You both get to your feet. Whilst doing so you see a figure running down from the building. [[Another struct.->Collecting the heart]]You stand your ground, leaving Mowgli to dive over a mound.(if: $bond > 0)[ "Tryr!" the human screams.] (if: $shield)[You crouch behind your shield.] The bright thing explodes. The shockwave slams into you(if: $shield)[r protection, some of the flame curling round but this of little concern to you.](else:)[ You manage to turn your head away from the blast in time but you still take significant damage. Your body is thrown into the air, you land near Mowgli. (set: $body to it - 1) You pull in some junk to patch the holes but you have lost some of your true self in the blast.] As you and the human slowly get to your feet you see a figure running down from the building entrance. [[Another struct.->Collecting the heart]](if: $bond > 0)[Arm in arm, you and Mowgli dive from the greatworm. You tumble in the air.](else:)[You and Mowgli dive in different directions from the greatworm.] As you both hit the floor the human cries out. It clutches it left leg in apparent pain. (set: $limp to true) From back on top of the worm you see an explosion. The red struct is thrown into the air before landing heavily with a wet impact nearby. The greatworm is dormant after the breaking of the link - your absence has left a hole where its will was. Mowgli pulls a rod of metal out of the junk and improvises a walking stick with it to get to its feet. As you stand yourself you see a figure running down from the building towards the smoking hulk of the red struct. [[Another struct.->Collecting the heart]]You stand your ground, leaving Mowgli to dive off of the worm. (if: $shield)[You crouch behind your shield.] The bright thing explodes. The shockwave slams into you(if: $shield)[r protection, some of the flame curling round but this of little concern to you. Standing up you see the struct has fallen from the worm. The human is also on the ground but clutching its left leg in pain. You turn the worm towards the ground and disembark, landing near Mowgli. The greatworm is dormant after you break the link - your absence has left a hole where its will was.](else:)[ You manage to turn your head away from the blast in time but you still take significant damage. Your body is thrown into the air. You hit the floor, clear of the worm. You see the charred wreck of the red struct land nearby. (set: $body to it - 1) You pull in some junk to patch the holes but you have lost some of your true self in the blast. You see Mowgli nearby. It is clutching its left leg in pain. The greatworm is still after break from your link - your absence has left a hole where its will was.] Mowgli pulls a rod of metal out of the junk and improvises a walking stick with it to get to its feet. As you stand yourself you see a figure running down from the building towards the smoking hulk of the red struct. [[Another struct.->Collecting the heart]]"Hah haah! That was a good one wasn't it?" it casts in your direction before busying itself with the corpse. It is humanoid like you are, but less practical, more theatrical. It buries a hand in the carnage. Digs deep. Then pulls out a device. (set: $heart to true) "Excellent", it says, "I have it. Come", it beckons, "I brought you here for a reason." Mowgli looks at the scene in bewilderment and waits you to make the next move. [[You follow the struct.]](set: $she to "she")(set: $her to "her")(set: $herSingle to "her")(set: $hers to "hers")(set: $She to "She")(set: $Her to "Her")(set: $HerSingle to "Her")(set: $Hers to "Hers")The building appears to be of municipal origin but has been repaired, refitted and adapted in a manner that befits a struct. The entrance you see is perhaps not the original one, that one must have been lost beneath the ether of Junkyard. Above it a sign has been attached depicting a logo of a crumbling tower. "Hey", says Mowgli, you turn to see it facing the greatworm you rode in on, "why's it just sitting there?" "Controlling it left a hole in its mind", you reply, "it's waiting for something to lead it again." Looking back to the building you see the struct standing by the entrance to usher you in. "Come, bring your dog as well", it says. (if: $notadog > 0)["I AM NOT A DOG!"](else:)["I am not a dog!"] says Mowgli, indignant. Say, [["It is not a dog."->She is not a dog]] or [[follow the struct inside]]?Mowgli turns its rage on you. (set: $bond to it + 1) "*She* is not a dog", she says, "and *this*", (if: $rifle is "mine")[grabbing your gun arm and giving it a shake, "is *HER* rifle." Mowgli stalks off inside of the building. [[You follow.->Inside the Building]]](else:)[raising the rifle she holds, "is *her* rifle." She hugs the rifle to her chest after saying this. You nod in understanding.(if: $rifle is "hers+")[ She cups a hand behind your neck, pulling down and causing you to stoop. Then she presses her lips to the side of your head, making a smacking noise against the metal.] [[You both enter the building.->Inside the Building]]](set: $she to "it")(set: $her to "its")(set: $herSingle to "it")(set: $hers to "its")(set: $She to "It")(set: $Her to "Its")(set: $HerSingle to "It")(set: $Hers to "Its")As you reach the building you turn around to see where Mowgli has gotten to. It is standing there still, looking offended with its hands on its hips. It opens its mouth to speak, but then sighs. The human follows you shaking its head. [[You enter the building.->Inside the Building]]As you enter the building you hear the music that was being broadcast earlier. You look around at what appears to be a museum of struct natural history. Here and there must also be artifacts of human civilisation. On one table you see a drillworm exploded in autopsy, on another are trinkets of a human: clothes, a rifle, a backpack spilling (link: "finds")[nothing you can usefully harvest] on to the surface. You see another table with parts of a struct you haven't seen yet - four propellors sit atop a frame, a shattered camera assembly next to it.(if: $rifle is "mine")[ You turn to see Mowgli, $her hands behind $her back. "What?" $she says.](elseif: $bond > 0)[ "Hey." Mowgli tugs on your arm. You turn to see it offering you the rifle from the table. $She nods for you to take it. You harvest the rifle, pulling it apart and housing it in the arm without the drillworm.(set: $rifle to "hersandmine")] As you walk further into the building your drillworm senses pick up a humming sensation. Machinery perhaps? <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="'mgHxmAsINDk');" /></div> [[Your host turns around.]]"Hah." It replies. "No, these are forms the Destroyer creates based on what it knew. "All of us, shattered into tiny little minds like yours. Schizophrenia. All thanks to you", it points at Mowgli, "your Tower of Babel." "What is the Destroyer?" you ask. "Why, us", it replies, "perhaps this too", it slaps a hand on a table nearby, "a lot of this land is debris, but some of it is actually our blood gone mad and taken the form of something inanimate. Look-", it tosses an object to you that you catch. It is metal, mostly round. A stick protruding from the top with a small blunt, yet detailed blade sticking out of that. "It's an apple Tryr", explains Mowgli, "not a real one. A model." "We're all out of spoons I'm afraid", jokes your host. The reference is lost on you. You look at it more closely. It seems unstable. (if: $eyes is 1)[With only one eye to observe it you move it around in your hand to know its shape better. To dispell any illusion - yes, that's it. You attempt to harvest it and it collapses into struct blood that you absorb.(set: $body to it + 1)](else:)[You observe nothing else unusual about it and pass it to Mowgli absent mindedly. As it leaves your hand it disolves into struct blood, spilling on to the floor as the human steps back and issues a cry of disgust.] "That one was easy for me to identify", says your host, "but its hard to tell with most. We're all so separate, unable to merge, become one again. The giant worm you came here on - there are others too who are trying to create greater minds, but they're missing the point. Without control of the blood we're all just useless forms and parodies of the enemy we nearly defeated. "But you my friend", it points at you now, "I knew there had to be one like you. One who can unite all of us and finish what we started." [[It approaches you.]](set: $eatpeople to false)(if: $heart)[It hands you the device it salvaged earlier. "This will help you deal with the humans", it says. The device is a box of flesh and metal. It radiates warmth. [[Do you harvest it->Harvest Heart]] or [[discard it->Discard Heart]]?](else:)["We'll have to find another carnivore, then you'll be able to deal with the humans", it says. "Deal with what humans?" asks Mowgli. "All of them. They're a threat that needs to be removed." Mowgli's reply is the cocking of a rifle. (if: $rifle is "mine")[You see $herSingle holding the one that was on the table earlier. (set: $rifle to "hersandmine")]$She is aiming at the host. Do you [[defend your host]] or [[not interfere]]?]You dig your fingers into the structure, penetrating it with True self. There is a strange strain of struct blood inside. It lives but you subdue it, taking its essence... yes. Now you can harvest meat. This breed you realise must be unique, mutated for generations but sucumbing to Darwinism. This is a corollary to your original purpose. You are not just the Destroyer now, you are the Devourer. (set: $eatpeople to true) You feel Mowgli's heat, $her flesh. $She sees the change in you, stumbles back. Do you [[harvest the human]] or [[spare her life]]?Untrusting, you put the device down on a table. Your host looks confused. "What humans?" asks Mowgli. The struct still looks at you, then distracted turns away muttering, "all of them. They're a threat, they need to be finished." It appears to be heading for a door at the back of the room. "I should have known you would be like the rest of them", it continues, "no purpose, no memory..." The humming sensation you felt earlier through your drillworm senses is strongest behind that door. The human looks at you, raising $her rifle. Awaiting assent. Do [[you nod]] or [[defend your host]]?You step in the way of Mowgli's rifle. $She steps to one side but you follow $herSingle. "Tryr!" $she pleads. "We are not the same", you state. The human looks at you in horror. $Her mouth draws to a thin line. (if: $quick)[Mowgli fires $her rifle but you dodge out of the way. $She fires again, and again but you see $her intentions too clearly and avoid each one. $She dashes behind a nearby table and pushes it over towards you before trying to escape.](else:)[Mowgli fires $her rifle. (if: $shield)[You raise your shield but the](else:)[The] blast (if: $shield)[still] knocks you to the floor. $She fires again at the host but misses. Seeing you get up again $she tries to escape.] (if: $limp or $quick)[ (if: $limp)[Limping, the human slowly makes $her way to the entrance of the building.](else:)[The human sprints towards the entrance of the building but you catch up to $herSingle easily.] You grab the human, $she screams, turning around to try to shoot at you again. (if: $bond > 0)[ [[Let $herSingle go->Let it go]] or [[kill $herSingle->Kill it]]? ](else:)[ [[Your hand closes around $her neck.->Kill it]] ] ](else:)[ The human sprints towards the entrance of the building. There $she grabs the head of the disected drillworm you saw. "Stop that thing!" cries your host. (if: $rifle contains "mine")[You fire several shots but the human ducks below the level of the tables. You see $herSingle dash out of the entrance before you can get a lock on $herSingle.](else:)[You make your way after $herSingle but the human is faster than you. $She escapes out of the entrance before you even manage several paces.] Outside the building you see the human once or twice - heading to the parked greatworm. "No matter", says the struct. "It won't get far. Let's get you something to eat." It must have another struct for you to consume that will help you catch the human. You pause to consider its words. [[Harvest your host->Betray host]] or [[follow it->Follow host]] ]The struct looks to you for support but sees your indifference. It darts towards the rear of a room to a door. The humming sensation you felt earlier through your drillworm senses is strongest behind there. Mowgli looks to you for assent. [[You nod.->you nod]]Mowgli fires several shots into the host's torso. The impacts drive it into the wall. Struct blood sprays out from the wounds, pressurised, unlike the drillworms that merely leaked. It stumbles and falls to a crawl but it is not done for. (if: $rifle contains "mine")[You take aim at its head and fire your gun arm. The wall is spattered with struct blood and shrapnel. It slumps to the ground only a meter from accessing the door. "That was close, right?" Mowgli lowers $her rifle. "Yes", you reply. That door holds something dangerous. "So we should get out of here?" Before you comply you turn to consider the corpse of the struct. Do [[you harvest your host]] or [[leave now]]? ](else:)[You race towards it to intervene but it is too late. It closes a hand on the heavy latch bolting the door and pulls it unlocked before slumping against the wall. "No I didn't make the structs I disected here", it retorts, "but I found one that I could refine. And I prepared something for fools like you." The door slowly swings open on its own. [[The room is filled with a buzzing noise.->Bees]] ] <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').removeClass('blind')" />You reach out, (if: $limp or $quick)[grabbing Mowgli's neck. $She screams as the bond begins to take place. Tendrils of your True self seep in and make their way into $her head. The human goes limp and you catch $herSingle with your other arm. You open your body up, slowly forming a suit around $herSingle and coating as much flesh as you can with your blood. Inside the hard casing of $her head you find a flesh computer. Your conquest of this part is delicate, and slowly [[you uncover knowledge.->Mowgli's story]]](else:)[but the human is too fast. $She rolls under a table out of view. You listen through your drillworm senses - you hear clattering here and there as items are pulled from the table and thrown across the floor. It disrupts your ability to get a lock on $herSingle. Of course, you reflect, this creature has spent most of $her life hiding from drillworms. There is a scraping noise near the entrance. You see the head of the disected drillworm you saw earlier has gone. You begin to make your way over but you see the human pass out of the entrance. "Leave it", calls your host, "you need more strength. Let's get you something to eat." It must mean to give you another struct to consume. You pause to consider this. [[Harvest your host->Betray host]] or [[follow it->Follow host]]]"What are you waiting for?" asks the struct. "Before now, I only harvested the dead", you reply, "I intend to honour my nature." "What's going on Tryr?" asks Mowgli. "It has given me the power to eat you. You are a threat to it." "Damn straight." (if: $rifle is "mine")[The gun you saw on the table earlier is in Mowgli's hands. (set: $rifle to "hersandmine")]The human raises $her rifle. Your host turns and runs towards a door at the back of the room. Your drillworm senses finally make sense of the humming noise now - it is coming from there. Mowgli looks to you for assent. [[You nod.->you nod]]Mowgli stumbles back into a table. Then (if: $limp)[limps](else:)[sprints] towards the entrance of the building. $She grabs the head of the disected drillworm you saw earlier as $she leaves. "What are you doing?" cries the host. "$She is not a threat", you reply. "What do you mean? They're all threats. Look around you, we used to be one mind, now we're all helpless fools." It turns away, backhandedly beckoning you, "come, we'll get you something to eat and then we can catch that human." It must mean to lead you to another struct to consume. You pause to consider this. [[Harvest your host->Betray host]] or [[follow it->Follow host]]Tears well in its eyes as you wring $her neck. You feel $her rifle loose two shots into your torso, but it is meaningless - you are the struct that does not bleed. The human goes limp in your hands. Was that it? Is it done? You let go and the human falls to the floor. "Is it done?" asks your host. You are unsure. You turn to the floor - $she's gone! You see no signs of Mowgli. You feel out with your drillworm senses. You hear clattering here and there as items are pulled from the table and thrown across the floor. It disrupts your ability to get a lock on $herSingle. This thing knows drillworms, $she knows how to hide from them. Then you hear a scrape near the entrance - the disected drillworm's head is gone. "I've lost it", you confess. "You fool! Humans are easy to kill, what good are you?" You see the human (if: $limp)[limp](else:)[dart] out of the entrance to the building briefly. It looks like it is heading towards the parked drillworm. You move to give chase. "No matter", says your host, "clearly you need more strength. Let's get you something to eat." It must be getting you another struct to consume. You pause to consider this. [[Harvest your host->Betray host]] or [[follow it->Follow host]]?You approach the fallen struct, stooping down to better make a harvesting connection. (display: "Absorbing the host") "Can we get out of here now?" [[the human breaks your reverie.]]"Let's go", you say. And you both exit the building. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="YouTubeTunes.stop();" /></div> As you step outside Mowgli turns to you; "well, this has been fun but I've really got to get back to my home. I've had enough exitement for one run." "Where is home?" you ask. "That way", $she points to the valley in the south. The human then glances over to the dormant greatworm. "Say... you couldn't give me a ride could you?" "Yes, I can give you a ride. Will I meet your people?" Mowgli seems to chew this one over, then smiles at you. "Yeah." As you both walk over to the greatworm, Mowgli tells you more about $her family. $She invests such detail in $her stories that you feel that this is less about preparation and more about induction. [[The End.]]Mowgli (if: $limp)[rolls under a table](else:)[runs towards the entrance of the building] as the flying structs enter the room. They float on a frame of propellors with a snake-like body attached. You can see rivulets of flesh on them, marking them as a similar breed to the meat struct you saw earlier. One of them divebombs you, driving its tentacle into you and attempting to harvest but you overpower its will - absorbing it. The human takes several down with shots from $her rifle but there are too many. More are pouring out of the door, drowning out the faint chuckling of your host. You hear a scream from Mowgli. You see one of the structs on $her back. You make your way over to $herSingle and you wrench it off but the snake appendage is buried deep. More of the structs are upon you, uselessly burrowing in. The human starts thrashing, allowing more structs to infect $herSingle as well. $She turns around to you with bloodshot eyes and foaming spittle before grabbing your head and (link: "wrenching it off.")[ You continue to hear $herSingle scream as $she pounds you to pieces with cyborg and rabid strength. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').addClass('blind')" /></div> As your True self leaks across the floor you lose consciousness. Now was not the time to awaken after all. [[The End.]] ]With the struct's back turned you sneak up behind it. Using your drillworm arm you punch into its head. It falls to its knees then slumps to the floor. (display: "Absorbing the host") You know the truth now, but what of the human. [[You go outside the building.]]At the back of the room the struct pulls aside the bolt on a heavy door. Within you can feel that humming sensation centralised. As it pulls the door the hum becomes a deafening buzz. Your host has to shout to be heard: "I constructed these from others I found. I was hoping to send them out into the world after some more tests but feeding you is a more pressing matter. "Go", it cups a hand around your shoulder and pulls, "go inside and feed.(if: (history:) contains "harvest the human")["](else:)[ It will give you the strength to finish the human quickly."] You enter the room and the door closes behind you. [[Something slams into your chest.]]*You left Mearcdenu, the valley that leads to Junkyard, three hours ago. Dad usually returned after a day or two of junkrunning - there were 'runners that would be out for at least a week, but that required carrying more food and water. It was safer to hunt for finds closer to home, especially if you had a family to support. A mixture of grief and fear floods through you as you see Dad's rifle on the floor. You expected this but kept the awful truth from yourself. You pick it up. Hugging the rifle tightly you keep walking. Minutes of walking still until you stumble across what you didn't hope to find. Ragged holes puncture the corpse randomly but cruelly they left the face unblemished. You open your mouth to scream.* [[Stop.->Scream or union]](if: $body < 2)[You struggle to maintain control but the mass of your True self is not enough. You / Mowgli begin to scream and turn your / $her gun on the host - blasting its head off, then puncturing its torso with several more rounds for good measure. You / $she clutches our head - still screaming. You / $she cannot resolve your identity, Mowgli's devouring has failed, resulting in a split mind fighting for the same body. Determined to stop you, the Mowgli half screams with all $her might - with no breath to run out of the scream goes on and on and on. Your half tries to fight for control but you are not strong enough. You / $she stand there, screaming endlessly, never tiring. A warning to all humankind to stay far away from such an unnatural sound. Screaming for days, months and years. Humanity has thwarted you again. [[The End.]]](else:)[You are overwhelmed with emotions but you fight them down. You have harvested enough blood to subdue Mowgli's mind. It takes some minutes for your new form to come to a rest. You have cased most of the flesh in armour and retain a weaponised form, but you gaze upon the world with Mowgli's face. "It is done", you say. You are a little startled by your new voice. "Good", replies the host, "now where did it come from?" "The valley to the south." "Then you should go there and eat the rest of them. They'll start looking for it if we don't act fast - I have work here I don't want them to find." "Then I will need more mass." It beholds you warily - you see that it may have underestimated you. "Well come with me then. I have something you can eat", it says. Yes, you think. I believe you do. [[Harvest your host->Solo betrayal]] or [[follow it->Follow host]]]Its blood sprays over you as you close in on it. As the black liquid seeps into the gaps of your form and touches your True self you gain flashes of insight, images, sounds. You thrust a hand into the corpse of the struct to know more. *Its name is Mouth. You decimated the humans in the locale of your creation. They sought to create a highly versatile polymer that could be deployed in the battlefield to create golems. This music you can hear was playing at the moment of your awakening. Then you showed them just how effective you were - increasing your mass and showing brutal autonomy. But you needed to specialise parts of yourself to truly go to war. This part of you submitted your demands and politicked with the humans, a deception whilst you manoevred to wipe them out. You were almost successful but they deployed a virus into one of your scouts. When it returned and was absorbed to share its data it infected you. By that time you covered several continents and lined the floor of a third of the seas. The new master of Earth, yet put to sleep. Mouth survived the shattering, lived for centuries babbling nonsense but slowly formed some sentience from its word-play. It fashioned a body for itself and experimented on other structs weaker than it. It knew the blood was the key and would add the blood of other structs to its own, gaining strength but nothing like your own mastery. You are different to all of them. Purer. Truer.*(display: "Mowgli steals the worm") The greatworm turns to the south, towards the valley you saw earlier. $She must be fleeing towards $her home. That is where you will find the humans then. It is time for you to prepare for war again. [[The End.]]You grab it. Propeller blades stutter around your hands and then more of them land on you - drilling in with small snake-like abdomens. The one you hold feels fleshy under your grip, you crush and struct blood leaks out. (if: $eatpeople)[It is another flesh struct - yet this one is a hybrid, it doesn't have enough purity to harvest meat, only to bond in an effort to do more damage.](else:)[This is like the flesh struct you encountered but you sense it cannot harvest meat, only bond enough to do more damage.] You harvest it anyway. You harvest all of them. Discarding the propellors (you are too heavy to borrow their flight), you leave the room. The fresh infusion of blood makes you hungry for more. "Are you ready?" asks the host. "I am", you reply. [[And you both exit the building.->host and me exit]]=><= ###Clockwork *By Aaron Steed* *Thanks for playing Inspiration: Solaris by Stanislaw Lem Dune by Frank Herbet Lexx (TV series) Iron Council by China Mieville Terminator 2 (film) Prometheus (film) Tremors (film) The Empire Strikes Back (film)* <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').removeClass('blind')" /></div>As your host turns its back you shoot its head off. A spray of shrapnel decorates the back wall as a fountain of pressurised struct blood jets out. It falls to the floor. (display: "Absorbing the host") Your body is swollen with excess blood. [[You leave the building.->Solo exit building]]You see the valley in the distance. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="YouTubeTunes.stop();" /></div> "Home", you say. You pause - was that you? Did absorbing the human's mind as well as $her flesh do something to you? No, you are home already. And you are awake. Soon the rest of Junkyard will fall under your control and then you can advance on what is left of humanity. You look down, seeing yourself hugging your gun-arm to your chest. You try to clear your head. You have work to do. [[The End.]]As you step outside you feel the ground shaking. The greatworm has awoken, Mowgli is clinging to it - the stolen drillworm part in $her hand buried into the same hole left by your control of it. Quite a gambit for the human to attempt, and yet it paid off. You give chase but the ripples driving its body forwards throw so much debris at you.<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="YouTubeTunes.stop();" /></div>(if: (history:) contains "harvest the human")[You look upon the valley to the south. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="YouTubeTunes.stop();" /></div> "Home", you say. "Yes, but not just our home - this land is also our body", your host adds. That wasn't what you meant. It came from your human side. You suppress the sensation, it is an error, nothing more. You look down upon yourself and notice you are hugging your gun arm to your chest. "Come on", the struct interrupts your confusion, "we have work to do." You reluctantly follow your guide. [[The End.]]](else:)[(display: "Mowgli steals the worm") "I don't believe it", utters your host as it catches up to you. "We will need another greatworm to follow $herSingle", you reply. "Yes", it stands there stunned by the inventiveness of the enemy, "we keep underestimating them. But they can't destroy us, we will win eventually." Its delivers that last sentence hollowly. Unsure it believes the words it is saying. [[The End.]]]You pause, reflecting on what you have learned. "What", asks Mowgli, "do you see something?" "No, I-", you stop. Seeing. You remember the apple sculpture from earlier(if: $eyes is 1)[. *Seeing.* The building is false. Your birth place was destroyed centuries ago but here it is above the debris - a facsimilie from your mind. Although aranged from brick and steel and cement you see between the lines. *Struct blood*. [[You harvest the building.]]](else:)[ but you still cannot fathom why you could not see it for what it was. Perhaps you aren't ready. [[You turn to address Mowgli->leave now]]]Dust and debris showers down from the ceiling. Mowgli runs over to your side and tries to pull you under a table to take cover but you resist. The ceiling opens, first ragged, then flowing as more of yourself becomes True. As the walls peal open to the sky you pull Mowgli to $her feet and hold on to $herSingle. You implode a room at the back of the building. Crushing a dangerous breed of structs within it. Harvesting them as your True self spreads. The floor buckles, shatters - faltering the human's step but not yours - and then becomes the back of a greatworm. The debris surrounding is pulled in and reconfigured by the roots of struct blood awakening. When the massive struct is complete you set it bearing south towards the valley you saw earlier. Mowgli looks down at your feet, noticing their bond with the greatworm. "Oh my God! You ate this thing?" asks Mowgli. "I ate Junkyard." The human looks at you uncomprehending. "The other struct was right. All of this debris is one being that forgot what it was. Me. *"I am Junkyard."* "It said my people did this to you. Made you forget." "Yes. And I killed many of them. I nearly killed them all. They made me that way." "What are you going to do now Tryr?" $she asks you warily. "Try something else." Your awakening of Junkyard now accelerates, you feel the barely formed minds of other structs in the vicinity and call them to you. You send out roots, disolving illusions and harvesting debris. You penetrate the broken buildings and begin to haul them upright, reconstructing them, bringing order. You reflect on the title of Destroyer that the humans gave you. And you create. [[The End.]]You notice a label on the front of its jumpsuit on the left breast. You recognise the lettering but not the word. You attempt to vocalise it. "Zeddemore?" you try. It looks down at the label, "it was the only thing they had in my size", it says defensively. [[Then it stares at you in astonishment.->Greetings]]=><= ##Clockwork *By Aaron Steed* [[Begin.->Lights out]] <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').removeClass('blind')" /></div><div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="YouTubeTunes.stop();$('html').addClass('blind')" /></div>(live: 1000ms)[(goto: "Begin")] **DEBUG** quick: $quick shield: $shield bond: $bond body: $body limp: $limp carny: $carny eatspeople: $eatspeople